Hi. This is Rick. I'm posting from Jason's blog because I don't have my own.
These pictures are from Tokyo after arriving from our two concerts in Zushi.
Does Jason look like he just played two concerts in one day?

A few of us went to an English pub near the Tokyo Dome Hotel. Famous English food - isn't that why everyone comes to Japan?
Who's the mystery woman behind the camera?

Next two are Michele and Tess - they really look happy with that British food (wink wink).

The author. 'Nuff said.

The beautiful British food - fish and chips (we think - you never quite know in Japan)!

On the way back to the hotel, we met up with a few more Sonosians! Who woulda guessed - imagine that!

Then we went to the Finnish bakery; another obvious cuisine of Japan. Missy is hugging moomin, a well-known Finnish figure.

And who's the tall guy under the awning? Why, it's Jukka, our very own Finn! Bonus points if you can identify the two mystery arms of the height-challenged Sonosians beside him.

Finally, to prove to Kathie that they do sell peanut butter in Japan (yet another ancient Japanese tradition), Skippy!

And that was the end of a big day on tour with Sonos and its multi-ethnic Japanese food adventure. And what's on tap for tomorrow? How about some Belgian ale?? Sorry, I didn't bring a camera that time... You'll just have to imagine.
My guess for Bonus Points:
Cheryl, Michèle.
Y'all having fun?? Don't get too comfy-- I'm eagerly awaiting your return!
I think it's Michèle and Tess. Hey, Michèle, have one of those yummy looking dark beers for me.
cheryl is in there, but all that is showing is the index finger of her black glove. to get full bonus points, try again!
Okay, I'll bite:
Kat and Michèle. (Trying to judge by sleeves!) And yes, one little black finger.
OK OK, I can do this....I'll say Kat behind the camera and Kat on Jukka's right and Michele on his left. "OK, Mr. Hoffmeister, tell him what he's won!!"
Ian wins!!
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