Sunday, December 16, 2007

Day 6

This was a concert day in Osaka. We started out in the bus (as always). As we were forming up, we encountered this strange sight:

We assume that this is a bicycle tow truck for illegally-parked bicycles. Not sure though.

On the bus I decided to have fun with my new 50mm 1.8 USM III prime lens (Canon's "plastic marvel"). Following are a bunch of portrait shots of:

Kiyoshi Tamamura:
Our dressing room was awesome! I love wall-to-wall mirrors. Here's me having fun:

I started playing clarinet last year around this time (I missed playing wind instruments) have been honored to play Jim's piece, "Christmas Tidings," which is a bluesy, jazzy diptych of "Mary Had a Baby" and "Go Tell It On the Mountain." It really is beyond me, and I struggle mightily to keep it under control. I'm thrilled to play it, but it kicks my butt. I've been practicing constantly here on tour, an hour a day or more - it's been great! Last few months I've been hanging on by my fingernails to complete two college courses (linear algebra and algorithm analysis & design) amongst all the Sonos, work, and family stuff, so it's been a pleasure to have so much time to practice.

That's it from day 6. If you have any other things you've heard in my posts or others' and want to see more of, let me know and I'll try post them.




Michèle Sharik said...

Jason, you really are doing a great job on "Christmas Tidings" - if it's beyond you, you really hide that well.


Ian said...
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Anonymous said...

wow, sonosians come in all shapes and sizes . . . that's funny!

Anonymous said...

Saw your wife and dad last night at Davies for the Christmas organ concert! Howdy!

Ian said...

Gotta tell you, Jason, you have inspired me to pick my saxophone back up.

Anonymous said...

I gotta admit-

It still looks funny with the wrong hand on the top side of the clarinet...